To better communicate its new vision, Ripple VAs is preparing for a significant revamp of its website, including rebranding the company.

Chief Website Officer (CWO) Faith Rubin disclosed that the top management has a new vision to create virtual assistant leaders (VALs) – formerly virtual assistants (VAs) – through Multipliers, providing more growth opportunities for its community.
To reflect this new vision, the company updates everything on the website, including the Homepage, About page, Services, Blog, and Contact page.
Rubin said the initial plan for the revamp included updating the website design, rechecking all contents, and purchasing a new website plan.
She added that the top management had assigned her and the Content and Marketing (C&M) Department to carry out the activity.
Rubin assured that the company management goes above and beyond to support the team working on this project, adding that they have been attending numerous meetings for months while they work on the revamping.
She added further that it could be difficult for the C&M Department content writers because the website voice must match the new company vision, but they have made much progress and officially started the revamp.
Revamping, rebranding to offer exciting benefits for clients and VALs Rubin claimed that the redesign effort would benefit both Ripple's clients and VALs in several ways, including giving clients a voice in the company's future and providing them with opportunities, passive and growing income, weekly networking calls, and more.
Rubin discussed that partnering with a VAL will enable clients to enjoy a commission on every referral under their wing, emphasizing that they will have weekly networking calls with Ripple's other clients, an opportunity to offer courses to Ripple's pool of clients and VALs and a more significant share in the affiliate partnership.
In addition, clients can have Ripple operate under their brand name (known as "white-labeling"), and Ripple will handle everything behind the scenes.
They can also enjoy free monthly resources from Ripple's team and VIP access to the Ripple Group of Companies CEOs.
Equally, Rubin said VALs could undergo Ripple Success Academy (RSA) VA Training and become RSA coaches and Ripple Optimum Impact (ROI) Leadership Certification by joining the Leadership Immersion Camp.