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RIPPLE NEWS: Ripple VAs-Dipolog resumes recruitment

With the competition for top talent continuing to heat up, Ripple VAs-Dipolog ensures that it acquires suitable individuals to join its lineup of virtual assistants (VAs) by resuming recruitment on November 14.

Ripple VAs-Dipolog Satellite Managing Director (SMD) Patricia Louisse Garcia announced during Ripple VAs’ company-wide meeting for the third quarter in September that their recruitment would reopen in November.

Garcia said they only reinstituted the activity recently because Ripple VAs-Dipolog focused on nurturing and mentoring its pioneer VAs and bolstering management duties right after it organized its official launch in May.

With Garcia’s initiative and company guidance, the satellite office now has its client base and is “trying to be one percent better each day.”

Moreover, Garcia said the second leg of recruitment aims to determine their current and future needs.

Ripple VAs-Dipolog is in high need of Marketing VAs, Specialist VAs, and Technical VAs.

“This is because most of our clients need VAs who are good in marketing and social media management,” Garcia said.

Garcia added they targeted hiring five to 10 new VAs in addition to the 11 VAs that compose the said office.

Garcia disclosed that they had received 17 applications as of November 23, with some candidates already scheduled for the initial interview.

The second batch of recruitment since the satellite office’s launch on May 25 will close on November 28.


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