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RIPPLE NEWS: Remaining Rewards Incentive of over 200k Released to VAs

In an effort to keep employee productivity and overall wellness, Ripple VAs' internal incentive structure, Ripple Rewards Card, released a total of Php. 218,830 to VAs’ individual accounts as of April 2022.

The incentive came from the remaining convertible-to-cash points accumulated by VAs through a series of internal community events and performance-based bonuses.

In 2021, the company’s Community and Accounting Departments tracked and released Php. 259,730 to VAs’ individual accounts, at least according to the number of points they accumulated from August to December.

The company transparently released Php. 478,560 rewards incentives in total.

According to Cyd Batalon, Chief Community Officer (CCO), they seek to provide the VAs with incentives for all the hard work they have done last year.

With the said provision, more VAs were inspired to enhance their performance with their respective clients and fortify their support to the company’s internal processes.

"I have received a lot of positive feedback from the VAs ever since the rewards card was launched. Closest to my heart was when VAs used their incentives to help other VAs in need," Batalon said.

Batalon highlighted that points downloaded from Ripple VAs’ Payroll System (RPS) are accurately tracked at the CCO's end.

VAs purchasing Ripple’s rewards cards are also given the right to track the points they collect to ensure maximum transparency and honesty, virtues valued by the company.

Moreover, only the Accounting Department has the discretion to release the points.

The company’s rewards card continues this year with a new set of awards implemented from January to December 2022.

The new slate covers weekly, monthly, yearly, and other awards that cannot be categorized in a set period.

"More than periodic categorization of points, we continue to modify our awards to give opportunities and for more VAs to qualify," Batalon said.


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