Have you ever wondered why content writers are in demand these days? Clients love eye-catching content that brings their goals and dreams to life. Ideas are dynamic and endless but, putting them into words requires careful writing, so clients need help from people they can rely on to achieve these things—and that is the content writers!

Content writing is a type of marketing plan that writes and edits the quality of the stories used to promote business brands, which helps them gain key prospects. Here at Ripple VAs, we have virtual assistant leaders (VALs) who are skilled in content writing, helping you with creating blogs for your websites, taking your social media accounts to another level, and making your business’ existence known in the virtual world.
Doubting our VALs’ skills in content writing? No worries! To give you examples, we have a variety of tasks that you could choose from depending on what content you would like the VALs to write about. Following are the tasks they can do for you:
Research industry-related topics
Write clear marketing copy to promote products and services.
Proofread and edited blog posts before publication.
Coordinate with the marketing and design teams to illustrate articles.
Conduct simple keyword searches and use SEO guidelines to increase website traffic.
Promote content on social media.
Identify the client’s needs and recommend new topics.
Ensure all-around consistency in things like style, font, images, and tone.
Anyone can be a content writer, but to be one of the best out there, a content writer must utilize specific skills and master techniques to be chosen among the pool of content writers.
Here are some skills that we, from the Ripple VAs, believe that content writers should have.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Time management
Knowledge of social media
For a performance to be well-received by the audience, the performer must do a great job connecting with them—and that's what content writers do. They offer quality write-ups so that their clients will be happy with their deliverables.
Beginners might be intimidated to try content writing; however, everything comes with a risk, and it depends on whether or not you are brave enough to take that risk. Momoyama Mirai, a character from the Japanese anime called "Kiratto Pri☆Chan," would say, "You'll never know unless you try. If you don't know, then give it a try!
It is amazing what content writers can do to help fulfill their key prospects’ tasks. To make good content write-ups, understanding the given project and doing extensive research about it can result in satisfactory remarks among the audience and, more importantly, from the client. And we assure you that our VALs here at Ripple VAs are the perfect match for your needs!