As the world embarks in a highly technological era, businesses have already begun to transition and let loose from the conventional in-office work to the modern mixture of both in-office and telecommuting. The conveniences brought upon by the exponential development of technology have allowed businesses to incorporate flexible work arrangements for in-office and telecommuting employees.
Work arrangements, with emphasis on telecommuting, have become more viable because of the presence of ever-evolving technologies, such as video conferencing and cloud storage sharing. This has made working in the office no longer necessary. While more and more businesses invest in telecommuting, managing homeworkers has also become more challenging.
Ripple VAs understands this challenge and recognizes the need for businesses to implement efficient management strategies when handling homeworkers.
Here are the 7Es which will serve as a definitive guide for businesses on how to manage homeworkers:
Establish clear expectations. Everyone holds a different perception of what an “excellently done” task is, making it difficult for both the management and the homeworker to be on the same page when clearing expectations. Make sure to be clear with your expectations by showing sample works or explaining the work details. Expectations become easier to clear when both sides are on the same page.
Empower employees. Address the basics of homeworking by investing in reliable tools and equipping your employees with the tools and skills necessary for the job. After all, the business' overall productivity is affected if your homeworkers can’t download files or attend virtual meetings. Moreover, don’t forget to schedule virtual coaching sessions with your employees!