Unlike the previous M.I.L.E. program series held weekly, the M.I.L.E. program series was held twice in December. In the first week, the speaker centered his talk on marketing, while the second-week speaker centered her topic on leadership.
Now, let us revisit the highlights of the M.I.L.E. program for December.
The 1st December Webinar: Marketing with AJ Mamitag
AJ Mamitag, a Chief Client Success Officer of Ripple VAs, started the December M.I.LE Program by talking about Affiliate marketing: What is it and What tools can we use for it?
His insightful talk highlighted the following points:
For affiliate marketing to be successful, these three parties must exist, business owners, advertisers, and customers. Each is equally significant to have an efficient marketing approach.
Before choosing to employ affiliate marketing as a business strategy, it is essential to know the niche of your business.
Affiliate marketing is cost-effective for business owners since it pays commissions based on affiliates' performance.
Knowing about affiliate marketing alone is not enough for a successful marketing strategy. Exploring different techniques used for marketing affiliates can help you succeed in marketing your business.
Utilizing affiliate marketing broadens the audience of the business.
Affiliate marketing creates a ripple effect and boosts the brand's reputation.
Making the right decision when selecting affiliates is crucial to a successful marketing strategy.
Utilizing your business resources and optimizing your platforms is crucial for successful marketing.
There are various tools that business owners can use to start their journey in affiliate marketing.
The 2nd December Webinar: Leadership and Efficiency with Stella Geraldez
Stella Geraldez, a chief mission officer at Ripple VAs, talked about effective communication: how can leaders build trust in communication?
Here are some tips Stella delivered for effective communication:
Know and understand the beauty of communication.
By developing the habit of communicating, we learn what to improve.
Having the right desire to communicate leads you to deliver your thoughts boldly.
Intentions for communicating are significant as the words uttered.
A solid right "why" will help you communicate your thoughts well. Understand your "why", then your words will follow.
Clear communication does not mean using extravagant words.
Be clear in your instructions and as direct as possible with your thoughts.
Assess when is the right time to speak, listen, and pause.
To build trust in communication, one must communicate even in inconvenient situations.
You gain trust through effective communication when you channel your concern to the right person. Communicating your concern to the wrong person is similar to not communicating.