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MANAGEMENT FEATURE: Chief Management Staff Officer Yvonne Loquinte

Ripple VA is a company of success. They have continuously showcased excellent write-ups and initiatives no other company has done. Their business model of employing virtual assistants within the locality has brought them to bigger heights. Their success, of course, was only possible with their beloved and skilled staff. With motivated employees, they are ready to face challenges and give their clients superb outputs while bringing out the company’s competitive advantage.

To avoid getting astray from their goals, a good leader will guide them back on their track and push them to do their best. Thus, Yvonne Marie Loquinte took this to heart as she began her journey as Chief Management Staff Officer.

A Chief Management Staff Officer oversees their interns and trains them to be skilled in various tasks while helping other departments. If any departments need assistance, the officer has a pool of Interns that can be assigned to them. They then check the tasks handed over to them that can help Ripple internally.

Yvonne sealed her path to becoming part of management when she became the Executive Assistant of the CEO. She usually joined in her meetings and knew what the management style was. Yvonne then felt mixed emotions when she got promoted to the position on August 25, 2022. She was shocked and joyful at the same time. Even though her tasks would still be the same after the promotion, she did not expect to get the title and was excited about what was ahead.

Yvonne has had a fair share of struggles while working as Chief Management Staff Officer. She tends to micromanage her interns since they commit multiple errors during their first try. Yvonne tried to understand them because they were still unfamiliar with the tasks and were new to the industry. She copes with them with their weekly monitoring sessions, checking up on their progress and giving constructive feedback to motivate them. She believes that by evaluating them properly, she can improve Ripple’s Management staff effectively.

As an officer and a virtual assistant simultaneously, Yvonne believes it is important to manage time properly. She manages her workload by prioritizing what needs to be done first. Funneling her tasks from least to most important ones helps her select which ones can be delegated to someone else and which can be done by herself. Furthermore, she is her family’s breadwinner, so it is important to work hard for them.

Responsible, Initiative, and Communicative. What more can Ripples ask from Yvonne, the company’s pillar behind their staff’s success?


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